Free Delivery – B&B offers free delivery to your home or work in Bullitt county. Just call 502-543-8200 and request that your prescription be delivered. Call before noon for same day delivery.
Multi Dose Packaging – Why waste time sorting or worrying about medication? B&B Pharmacy offers a multi-dose packaging system that makes everything simpler. Sorted and packaged by your pharmacist, each dose is personalized just for you. And, they’re clearly labeled by date and time of day, giving you the comfort of knowing you took the right medication at the right time. No more guesswork, and no more bottles or pillboxes. Read More »
Text or email notifications when medications are ready to be picked up
Med Sync allows all your medications to end on the same day eliminating multiple trips to the pharmacy each month
Auto Fill fills your medications when they are due – eliminating the need to call them in every month
Free online refills- available 24/7

FREE smartphone app- Search Rxlocal under the app store on your iphone or android device or click on the links below and register for an account with your name, birthday and prescription number.
Medication Flavoring for your child
Medication therapy management— B&B offers individual counseling on medications.
Convenient pharmacy drive-thru
Medicare Part D Plan comparison–make an appointment with a list of your medications and our Part D specialist can help choose which plan is best for you.
Vaccinations–B&B offers flu, pneumonia, and shingles vaccines, and many more. All administered by our immunization certified pharmacists.